For those of you thinking of ringing in celebration of the Guild Centenary, here are some touches that you may like to try, ranging from Doubles to Maximus.

Grandsire Doubles

Any of the six 9-call extent based PSBS can
reduce to 100 by calling B for SBS - one
example is given.

100 Grandsire Doubles
s 4325  2
  2543  1
s 3425  1
s 2435  2
  3524  1
s 4235  1
  2345  2
Plain Bob Doubles 100 Plain Bob Doubles
 - 3542
 - 2435
Spliced Plain and Little Bob Minor 100 Spliced Minor (2 methods)
   23456 Plain Bob
 - 23564 Little Bob
   45623 Plain Bob
 - 45236 Plain Bob
 - 45362 Little Bob
   23645 Plain Bob
 S 32456 Plain Bob
 - 32564 Plain Bob
 - 32645 Plain Bob
 S 23456
84 Plain Bob; 16 Little Bob.

Little Little Little Little Little Little Penultimus Little Place Minor

This method is very simple - and has no dodges,
just hunting. The treble only goes to 5ths, so giving
a 10 row lead, and 50 row plain course. So only 2
courses needed. Note the use of a 1456 single, but
bobs are 4ths place.

100 Little Little Little Little Little Little Penultimus Little place Minor
23456   O
23456   ss

23456   O  I
45236   -  -
23456   -  -

Bastow Little Bob:

This method works on all even numbers, with the treble making seconds and leading,
giving a 4 row lead. This lends itself to touches of many lengths.

Blue lines can be found here: Minor, Major, Royal and Maximus.

Below are some examples for Minor to Maximus.

Minor 100 Bastow Little Bob Minor
23456   I  B
23456   3  3
Major 100 Bastow Little Bob Major
23456   W  H
54326   2  2
23456   2  5*

100 Bastow Little Bob Royal
23456   W  H
45236   1  1
23456   1  4*

100 Bastow Little Bob Royal
23456   M  I  V  W  H
45236   1  -  1  2  1
23456            1  1
Contains 4 56s.


(Note the use of different types of calls)

100 Bastow Little Bob Maximus
23456   I  B  H
54326   z  z    
23456   z     3*
z=10ET. 3*=bsb.

Spliced Plain Royal 100 Spliced Bob Royal (3 methods)
   234567890 St Clement's College
   426385079 Double
   352749608 St Clement's College
 S 243567890 Plain
   452739608 St Clement's College
 S 234567890
60 St Clement's College; 20 Double, Plain.


These are just some suggestions - if you have any other ideas please contact the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  for assistance.