In 2024 the Peterborough Diocesan Guild will be celebrating the 100th anniversary of its creation.


During the year a number of events are being planned, there will be some aims and challenges for members to aspire to, and merchandise for sale.


The events are taking place one in each month, and usually on the second weekend, mostly Saturdays.  The full list of events are:


Saturday 10th August 2024RutlandTour and Picnic
Saturday 14th September 2024DaventrySummer Festival
Saturday 12th October 2024Kettering Park HotelGuild Centenary Dinner
Saturday 9th November 2024Syresham Village HallQuiz Night and Fish & Chip Supper
Saturday 28th December 2024TowcesterCarol Service

Here is more information about each event:

Saturday 10th August : Tour and Picnic
This event will start with an outing, visiting five towers around Rutland Water. Ringing will be arranged to suit the abilities of those who attend, taking into account the numbers of ringers that turn up. Ringers will be asked to contribute £5 each towards tower fees.
1:00-2:00 Ashwell LE15 7LP 6 8-2-20 GF
2:10-2:55 Cottesmore LE15 7BW 6 14-0-3 T
3:10-3:50 Hambleton LE15 8TH 5 10-2-6 GF
4:05-4:35 Lyndon LE15 8TU 4 6-0-23 GF
4:40-5:20 Edith Weston LE15 8EY 6 7-0-13

After the outing it is hoped that most people will join us for a picnic, stopping at Rutland Water Beach Car Park, Sykes Lane LE15 8QL. For this part of the occasion bring your own sandwiches etc. There is a play area, take-away café (which may be closed soon after we get there), and toilets. Parking costs £2 per hour, and the car park stays open until 8pm.

For more information, and to book for the lunch, please contact
Saturday 14th September : Summer Festival
An annual Guild event, this year held in the Daventry Branch. The intention is to hold a ten-bell practice in the morning before joining together in the afternoon for the inter-branch 8-bell striking competition for the Harry Wooding Memorial Trophy.
For more information please contact
Saturday 12th October : Guild Centenary Dinner
This will take place at the Kettering Park Spa Hotel, close to the A14 on the outskirts of Kettering. A formal dinner, with speeches and entertainment, it will be a wonderful chance to spend the evening in good company, enjoying good food and mark the occasion. A professional photographer will be on hand to create a visual record of Guild members in their finery.
Tickets will need to be purchased in advance.
For more information, and to book tickets for the event, please contact
Saturday 9th November : Quiz Night and Fish & Chip Supper
The wonderful Syresham Village Hall has been booked for an evening of friendly rivalry. It is hoped that each branch will enter at least one team, although scratch teams can be made up on the night as well. Eight rounds of questions (so we don’t end too late), including an interval round during which fish & chip suppers will be delivered. A trophy and other prizes will be awarded to the winning team.
Booking and pre-ordering of your supper will be essential.
For more information, and to book tickets for the event, please contact
Saturday 28th December : Carol Service
To avoid the busy pre-Christmas period, the last Saturday of the year has been chosen for the final event of our centenary year – a Carol Service to be held at Towcester Church with tea and cake served afterwards.
An idea of numbers will be required for catering purposes.
For more information, and to register interest for the event, please contact